
your commitment to engaging women in politics.

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The Women’s Political Caucus of New Jersey is dedicated to increasing women’s participation in the political process, increasing the number of women in elected and appointed office, protecting reproductive freedom, and creating a women’s political power base to achieve equality for ALL women.

Impact over the past years

41 State Legislature

New Jersey ranks 23rd among the 50 states in the proportion of women serving in its
legislature. Women of color make up 53.7% of all women in the New Jersey legislature:
70.0% of women in the Senate and 48.4% of women in the Assembly. Source


Of 120 Seats



Task Force

Support your task force

Democratic Task Force (DTF)

Support women within a Democratic Party, and recommend candidates for endorsement.

Republican Task Force (RTF)

Support women within the Republican Party, and recommend candidates for endorsement.


WPCNJ PAC financially supports our endorsed women candidates for public office.