Get Endorsed!
The Women’s Political Caucus of New Jersey endorses qualified pro-choice women running for State legislative office. In order to be considered for endorsement, WPCNJ requires that each legislative candidate to complete our questionnaire. Upon completion, questionnaires will be reviewed by either the Republican Task Force or Democratic Task Force to determine if the candidate’s responses align with the Caucus’ goals and principles. If the response does meet the criteria, the respective Task Force will make an endorsement recommendation to the WPCNJ Board.

Endorsement summary over the years
Women Over 10 Years
WPCNJ has a long-standing commitment to promoting gender equality in politics and empowering women to run for public office. The Caucus is confident that the candidates they’re endorsing are well-qualified, dedicated, and prepared to make a difference in their respective roles.
For National Endorsement
If you are a candidate who is running for Congressional Office, please download the Federal Questionnaire here. WPCNJ can only make recommendations for National endorsement – the State Caucus cannot endorse on the federal level. Endorsements on the National level will be reviewed and determined by the National Women’s Political Caucus.
We Endorsed 48 Women
Legislative Candidates for 2023 Election!
Damita White Morris (D)
District 1
Caren Fitzpatrick (D)
District 5
* Nilsa Cruz Perez (D)
District 2
* Pamela Lampitt (D)
District 6
* Carol Murphy (D)
District 7
Andrea Katz (D)
District 8
* Kim Eulner (R)
District 11
* Marilyn Piperno (R)
District 11
Luanne Peterpaul (D)
District 11
Margie Donlon (D)
District 11
Raya Arbiol (D)
District 12
Danielle Mastropiero (D)
District 13
* Victoria Flynn (R)
District 13
Lucille Losapio (D)
District 13
Tennille R. McCoy (D)
District 14
* Linda Greenstein (D)
District 14
* Shirley Turner (D)
District 15
* Verlina Reynolds Jackson (D)
District 15
Mitchelle Drulis (D)
District 16
* Yvonne Lopez (D)
District 19
* Nancy Munoz (R)
District 21
*Michele Matsikoudis (R)
District 21
* Linda Carter (D)
District 22
Lisa Fabrizio (R)
District 22
Denise King (D)
District 23
Alixon Collazos-Gill (D)
District 25
Diane Salvatore (D)
District 25
Christine Clark (D)
District 25
* Cleopatra Tucker (D)
District 28
Garnet Hall (D)
District 28
Renee Burgress (D)
District 28
* Eliana Pintor Marin (D)
District 29
* Shanique Speight (D)
District 29
* Teresa Ruiz (D)
District 29
Barbara McCann Stamato (D)
District 31
Sydney J. Ferreiran (R)
District 31
**Angela McKnight (D)
District 31
**Britnee Timberlake (D)
District 34
* Shavonda E. Sumter (D)
District 35
* Nellie Pou (D)
District 35
Ellen Park(D)
District 37
* Shama Haider (D)
District 37
* Lisa Swain (D)
District 38
* Holly Schepisi (R)
District 39
Giovanna Irizarry (D)
District 40
Jennifer Marrinan (D)
District 40
Jennifer Ehrentraut (D)
District 40
Endorsement FAQs
Who is eligible to apply?
The WPCNJ Political Action Committee (PAC) provides support to qualified, pro-choice women candidates running legislative and statewide offices in New Jersey.
When is the application deadline for new and re-endorsed candidates?
The deadline for applications TBD
Can I turn in applications late?
The WPCNJ PAC will not be accepting late applications.
Do I need to apply again if I have been previously endorsed?
Yes, you will need to submit an endorsement application. Applicants applying for re-endorsement will not be interviewed.
Will the information disclosed in my application be confidential?
Yes. All information disclosed in the application will remain confidential.
When are candidate interviews?
Interviews will be conducted during the summer months.
How will interviews be conducted?
Interviews will be held via Zoom. You will be contacted directly by WPCNJ to schedule an interview.
How long do interviews take? Who will I be interviewing with?
Interviews will be 30 minutes and will be with at least two WPCNJ PAC members.
What types of questions will the PAC be asking?
Our interview process is structured to understand more about your candidacy. We will be asking questions to understand who you are as a candidate, your race, your campaign, issues, and the area you are seeking to represent.
Will the information disclosed in my interview be confidential?
Yes. All information disclosed in the interview will remain confidential.
In which races do you endorse?
We endorse in all races at the state level.
Do you endorse in federal races?
The National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) PAC endorses in federal races. Once applications have been submitted through the NWPC PAC. The WPCNJ PAC will then make recommendations to the NWPC PAC for endorsement.
Are endorsement decisions final?
When will I find out my endorsement decision?
Endorsement decisions will be released by the end of August/early September.
If I have not been endorsed in the past, can I reapply?
How can I support the PAC?
Please feel free to donate to the WPCNJ PAC. Also, if you are not a member of the WPCNJ, please feel free to become a member by clicking here.
Additional Questions
What should I do if I have additional questions?
If you have additional questions, please email [email protected]