Membership FAQs
Our membership year runs from May to April to concide with the WPCNJ Annual Meeting.

Can I join WPCNJ if I'm not elected to any office, or involved in a political organization?
WPCNJ is open to all who believe that women should have a voice in our political system. Many of our members are elected, or would like to hold office, while others have no interest in running themselves. Our members are Republicans, Democrats, and unaffiliated voters. Some are active in their party organizations, and others choose to become active primarily through WPCNJ.
What kind of organization is WPCNJ?
WPCNJ is registered with the State of New Jersey as a 501(c)4 organization. WPCNJ also has a 501(c)3 Education and Training Fund, as well as a registered PAC.
How can I get the most from my membership?
Getting involved with one of our local chapters or task forces or joining a committee gives you the opportunity to meet other members and take an active role in advancing our mission. Make sure to attend our educational forums and networking events, too.