
WPCNJ Expresses outrage over U.S. Rep. Chris Smith co-sponsoring a national abortion ban

The Women’s Political Caucus of New Jersey (WPCNJ) expresses outrage over legislation sponsored by U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (SC) and U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (NJ) introducing a nationwide abortion ban. Currently, New Jersey residents have full reproductive rights and access to safe healthcare but clearly there is an overall agenda that could lead to a federal ban on abortion.

Elections have consequences that can last for generations. We must be mindful that who we elect will determine our reproductive rights and whether the Congress will pass a nationwide abortion ban. We must also remain steadfast in promoting and supporting elected leaders who will defend a woman’s right to choose and not just pay lip service to this inalienable right.

WPCNJ is just as committed as ever to endorsing and electing pro-choice candidates and we will continue to work with our allies across the country who are equally committed to protecting women’s reproductive freedoms and access to safe healthcare.

WPCNJ, founded in 1972, is a chapter of the National Women’s Political Caucus, a multi-partisan organization dedicated to increasing the number of women in elected and appointed positions in government, protecting reproductive freedom and promoting equal rights for women.

2025 Passion * Power * Progress Awards

Passion * Power * Progress Awards Reception Thursday, March 6, 2025 | 6:00pm Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick   WPCNJ is delighted to present the following awards this year: * Robin […]